Saturday, October 17, 2009


Dosha Parihara Mahayagya


Swayamvara parvathy Homam For happy married life and nullify dosha and delays in marriage. This is a very effective puja for getting married.

Swayamvara Parvathy Homam Dedicated to Goddess Parvathy. The divine mother took the incarnation of Goddess Parvati in order to get married to Lord Shiva. None other than Lord Shiva himself gave the Swayamvara Parvati mantra to Goddess Parvati. This enabled her to reunite with her divine consort. By performing the Swayamvara Parvati homa, various obstacles that delay any marriage are removed. The eligible bride or groom is blessed with suitable spouse.

SRI SUKTA HOMAM: dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, For all kinds of prosperity, settlement long outstanding loans, promotions, jobs and career for jobless, settlement of all financial disputes, etc

MAHA DHANVANTRI HOMAM: This Homam/havan is performed to please Maha Dhanvantri an incarnation of Lord Maha Vishnu the originator of all medicines and cures. For people suffering from incurable diseases, suffering from poor health , different kinds of weaknesses, allergies, etc performance of this havan/Homam is beneficial.

PUTRA KAMESHTI HOMAM : for the benefit of childless couples. This mahayagya was conducted for the first time in Delhi in January 2008 by the Lokakshema Trust where 16 out of 35 participating couples have been blessed with a child and six more couples are in family way.

NAKSHATRA HOMAM: there are 27 Nakshatras or stars out of which six stars are specified as Ganda Mula Nakshatra and dosha parihara Homam has to be done to remove the malefic effects of the same for the person born in these stars. In other 21 nakshatras too Janana Dosha, Jathaka (Janma patrika)dosha, etc has to be removed for that this Homam is performed to remove all the malefic effects.

NAVAGRAHA HOMAM: Navagraha means nine planets and to remove the malefic effects of these planets in one’s life this havan should be performed by every one at least once in a year, we are organising this for your convenience and benefit

For further details please contact:

1. Bhrahmashri PS Varadarajan 09444341362

2. Shri VR Swaminathan 9810192164

3. Shri S. Krishnamurthy 9310035504

4. Shri K.Satyanarayana Sharma 9313203053

5. Shri A Ramesh 9811097125

6. Shri N T Arasu 9811944478

7. Shri Deepak Shah 9212195559

8. Mrs Preeti Shah 9212195560

9. Ms Renu Singh 9891197375

10. Shri K.Hariharan 9868369793

11. Shri Narasimhan 27472278

Map IP Address

Serve Humanity

Save Universe

Lokakshema International Mission Trust ®

Regd. Office A73, Inder Puri, New Delhi-110012, 011-25836229 (M) 91-9868369793


Blogs:, http://

A mission for removal of sufferings of mankind

With the blessings of Guruji Dr.PS Varadajan

Lokakshema International Mission Trust®


Sarva Devata Homam Committee

Jointly welcomes you all

To attend a Mahayagya

For removal of sufferings of mankind

In January 2010 in New Delhi

From 24th to 26th January 2010

Maha Ganapathi Homam(for removal of all obstacles and success in life),

Nakshatra,Navagraha Homam(for removal of malefic effects of planets)

Srisuktha Homam( for success in Job, business, financial prosperity, etc),

Maha Dhanvantri Homam( for removal of chronic diseases and good health)

Swayamvara Parvathi Homam(for early marriage)

Santhana Gopala Homam(Putra Kameshti yagya for childless couples),etc

For registration, participation/sponsorship and other details please contact

Bhrahmashri VR Swaminathan 9810192164

Shri S. K. Murthy 9310035504 Shri K.S.N Sharma 9313203053

Shri A Ramesh 9811097125 Shri N T Arasu 9811944478

Shri Deepak Shah 9212195559 Smt Preeti Shah 9212195560

Shri K.Hariharan 9868369793 Shri Narasimhan 27472278

Ms Renu Singh 9891197375

Special programmes for exchange of horoscopes, spiritual discourses, etc also proposed during the function

Registration Charges for each homam is as under:

Swayamvara Parvati Homam Rs 3000 per participant

Putra Kameshti Homam Rs 3000 per couple

Sree Sukta Homam Rs 10,000 main sponsor Rs 5000 Co- sponsor

Maha Dhanvantri Mahayagya Rs 10,000 main sponsor Rs 5000 Co- sponsor

Navagraha homam Rs 10,000 main sponsor Rs 5000 Co- sponsor,

you may also register for Sankalpa only @ Rs 501for Navagarha, Nakshatra homam

you may deposit the registration amount in cash ,cheque /DD

in favour of Sarva Devata Homam Committee payable at New Delhi

sponsorship and donations also welcome

for details contact

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